
Reality TV

It is amazing today when we turn on the television the number of reality programs that are out there. I am amazed and somewhat disgusted at the content of many of these programs that supposedly show "real" life and all of its varied content. The truth is half or more of these programs are staged, casted and edited to fit the viewership and audience that watch these programs. I recently read an article about the reality of reality tv and found that most of it is fabricated for the highest entertainment value. If television were to broadcast real-life time in anyone's life, there would undoubtedly be alot of boring lulls and repeated tasks that are edited out in the process of creating the "reality" of a reality television show. Watching someone use the bathroom, sleep, go to work or drive seems boring but if reality tv were actually real, this is what we would see and nobody would watch (unless they have some strange interest in monotony and other peoples toilet habits or driving skills).

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