
Female Representations

Whether on television, in the movies, or on billboards and advertisements, women are represented in very stereotypical ways. As a woman, I am sickened by the portrayal of FEMALES in the media. Ever since I was young I found myself looking up to the images of beauty that we are exposed to. An image of a tall, skinny woman with the perfect hair, skin and body. I looked at myself and found great discrepancies between my image in the mirror and the image that is always in our face the "ideal" yet unattainable look. I could choose to disregard the fakeness and the facade, but I realize this is nearly impossible because the image is everywhere, wherever I go. Becoming aware and educated about the invalidity of the female forms that we are exposed to is important considering the growing number of women and now children who are dissatisfied with their appearance. We feel that if we are to be acknowledged by men, we must look like the fake image of women that we see in different media every single day. The truth is even these women have been digitally altered and enhanced to display the most ideal size and look. I think that there needs to be more education and outreach in grade and middle schools to teach girls that they are perfectly normal the way they are and that there is not only one size, shape and look that can be considered beautiful.

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