
Monopoly Creates Monotony

Learning a bit about how the business of music and entertainment production works, I am baffled by the restrictions that are created by the monopoly that is in place. With one entity in control, and their main focus in their pocketbooks there is little room for variety or innovation. Considering the state of "popular" music, there seems to be a themed pattern of artisits that the media corporations know will make money. These media corporations then boost the popularity of the artist of their chooseing and repeateddly expose the public to their image and their music through commercials, concert promotions, retail merchandising etc. We are repeatedly exposed to something on so many levels that this artist gets in our head regardless of their talent or if we as media consumers genuinely like their music. It is disturbing to think that we are perpetually brainwashed by the media. If more people were educated about the control that the media has over our choices in entertainment, we may be able to resist the monotonous exposure of what the media corporations are trying to bank on. I only wish that their was more variety and freedom of thinking when it comes to choosing what we expose ourselves to but this becomes difficult when their is only one entity in control.

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