
Cultivation of the Masses

Another Theory we discussed in our class is Gerbner's Cultivation Theory. This theory explains the effects of the mass media as teaching a common worldview. The various media content that we are exposed to often creates a picture of the same kind of people or characters, limiting the exposure of the diversity that is inherent in our actual world. Typically, characters in sitcoms and other shows tend to be portrayed as middle class and the jobs they hold are similar and conform to gender-role stereotypes. Women are teachers or nurses while men are often show as lawyers or businessmen. As viewers, we are repeatedly exposed to the same types of people on the shows that are aired on television. As we watch these people, we are taught that all people are alike and come from the same type of life situation WHICH COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!! We are all different, and instead of forcing one idea of how we are to live, television should reflect the reality and diversity of people in our world.

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